The Annual Remembrance Service took place at 10.50 am on Armistice Day, Sunday 11th November 2018, at the parish church of St Mary the Virgin & All Saints, Debden, conducted by the Rev Jeremy Collingwood.
It was attended by Debden parishioners, Royal Engineers from nearby Carver Barracks plus Scouts, Cubs and Beavers from Carver Barracks and Saffron Walden with their Standards
During the Service “Last Post” was played on the bugle by youngsters Isaac Reeves and Logan Armour.
This was followed by 2 minutes silence before “Rouse” was played. Both Isaac and Logan were subsequently presented with Certificates of Appreciation from Debden Branch Royal British Legion. Logan had visited Ypres and the Menin Gate as part of a visit by the about 50 Saffron Walden Scouts during Half Term. They visited Langemark and Tyne Cot Cemeteries before laying a Wreath from Debden at the Menin Gate Memorial after the Last Post Ceremony.
Additional Wreaths were laid on Friday below the Debden War Memorial by Mike Clarke, Chairman of Debden Branch RBL, WO1 Stephen Atkinson on behalf of 33, 35 and 101 (EOD) Regiments RE at Carver Barracks, and Roger Forster, Chairman of Debden Parish Council.
After the names of the 26 and 6 Debden parishioners who fell during WW1 and WW2 respectively were read out, WO1 Atkinson RE read out the names of the 17 NCOs and Other Ranks from 33 and 101 EOD & Search Regiments RE, based at Carver Barracks, who had been killed on operations since 1947.
In the afternoon a large number of parishioners joined the Remembrance March through Debden led by the Band of 56 (Woolwich) Squadron Air Training Corps (ATC). The parade included Servicemen from the two RE Regiments based at Carver Barracks with a contingent of Air Cadets from 56 ATC Squadron. Debden veteran George Wilson, ex-RASC aged 93, took the salute at the Village Memorial Hall where everyone was treated to tea and cakes after the parade.