Donations Received
We have recently received two very generous donations to the Centre from the estates of the late Joan Lloyd and Eileen Walsh. Both ladies, lived in Thaxted and had connections with the Centre and we are very grateful that they have remembered us in this way.
Fundraising Coffee Morning
Mr & Mrs R Hingston have kindly agreed to hold a coffee morning on Thursday 23rd May, between 10.00am to 12.00 at Railton, Rails Farm Yard, Watling Lane, Thaxted.
New Centre Manager
We have been joined at the Centre by Judy Weavers has now taken over from Audrey Carmichael as Manager of the Centre and Dr Chris Pinchen who was for many years a GP in Thaxted has joined us on the committee. It is hoped that they may shared their enhanced knowledge to enable the centre to move forward in the future.