It costs about £25,000 each year to run the Centre, the largest expenditure by far being hiring minibuses from Uttlesford Community Transport to convey our disabled members between their homes and the Centre for our twice weekly members sessions.
The Centre is staffed entirely by volunteers, and we aim to raise sufficient income to cover our costs each year.
We raise significant income by organising fund raising events, which are detailed elsewhere on the website, but otherwise we depend on grants and donations from local authorities, local charities and voluntary groups, and from private individuals.
Disabled members make a voluntary contribution to cover some of the cost of hiring their transport, and hiring our premises to other voluntary groups also raises funds.
The Friends of the Centre are a particularly valued group of local individuals who give generous financial support - to become a Friend, please click the link opposite to download the form.
We are grateful to the following for financial support:
Uttlesford District Council, Guildhall Stores (NISA) Thaxted, Yardleys Charity Thaxted, Thaxted Parish Council, Dick Horner Funeral Collection, Vera Harvey Funeral Collection, Saffron Walden Town Council, Dunmow Rotary Club, Saffron Walden Rotary Club, Lloyd Griffin, Hunts Charity Thaxted, Gibson Walden Fund,
Costs tend to increase each year, and in spite of making economies in the way we run things, it is usually a struggle to raise enough to stay afloat.
If a deficit is incurred, we have to withdraw funds from our modest reserves to cover costs.
We are grateful to all our supporters for their help in enabling us to keep the Centre going. We have been in existence for over 50 years, which is evidence that what we do is essential in the Uttlesford community.
If you would like to make a donation, become a volunteer helper, or know fo anyone who would benefit from Centre membership, please get in touch on 01371 830752 or via email.
Diageo Grants Scheme, Thaxted Morris, Thaxted Fayre Trust, Thaxted Tennis Club, Gace’s Charity Newport, Braybrooke Estate, Fowler Smith & Jones, Waitrose, Saffron Walden Lioness Club, Dunmow URC and the Friends of the Centre.