Welcome to the Thaxted Flower Club - the perfect arrangement for floral enthusiasts!
The Thaxted Flower Club meets the first Tuesday of the month at the United Reformed Church in Bolford Street at 7.30pm (except for January and August).
You can join as a member or come as a guest. We have a mixture of activities including demonstrators, outings, an all day workshop and club evenings.
Refreshments are available and and there is ample car parking behind the centre and on the road outside. The building itself is fully accessible for all.
It has become a firm tradition for the club to have a stall under the Guildhall for Mother’s Day in March. It takes 2 – 3 days for the committee members to do the flower arrangements which are then sold from the stall, with the money raised being divided up between local good causes.
Several club members have been invited to enter the Chelsea Flower Show over the years and have returned Gold Medal winners!
Have a look at our Photo Gallery for Mother’s Day, Chelsea Flower Show and other themed albums.
You will receive a very warm welcome from the club and we have expert advice always on hand. Please do come and join us! Visit the Contact Us page and get in touch for more information on the club and how to join.